Step One... Choose your bouquet

Soft and Dreamy Flower Bouquet

Soft & Dreamy Bouquet

(Choose your bouquet size in step two)

Native Flower Bouquet

Natural & Native Bouquet

(Choose your bouquet size in step two)

Bright and Bold Flower Bouquet

Bright & Bold Bouquet

(Choose your bouquet size in step two)

Collaborating with...

Olivia Felicity
Joadja Estate Logo

What to expect in your floral bouquet

The types of flowers available to us in Australia varies from season to season.

In SUMMER you can expect to see: scented roses, lilies, dahlias, buddleia (summer lilac), snowberry, fragrant gardenias, fluffy hydrangea, vanda orchids and gloriosa (Christmas lilies).

In AUTUMN you can expect to see: tulips, lisianthus, autumnal foliage such as nandina, dahlias, perfumed stock, sculptural branches of fig and pomegranate, berries, and velvety celosia.

In WINTER you can expect to see:  ornamental kale, perfumed hyacinth, velvety celosia, cymbidium orchids, succulent red hot fire pokers, deep blue delphinium, privet berry, cyclamen plants and tortured willow.

In SPRING – All florists love spring! Expect to see poppies, daffodils and jonquils, phalaenopsis orchids, rhododendron, lilac, roses, freesias, ranunculas, tulips, sweet peas, peonies and blushing bride.

There are of course the year-round bloomers too, such as gerberas and lilies…

Contact Flowers by Annette

Each bouquet is selected and prepared with love.