Give the gift of romance with these colours of love...

Wild in Love Bouquet

This beautiful, hand-picked bouquet will be created using a mixture of locally grown native flowers such as proteas, banksia, grevillea, and kangaroo paw all in gorgeous tones of pinks, whites and creams. Your Wild in Love Valentine’s Day bouquet will be complemented with beautiful fresh foliage to allow those gorgeous native colours to pop.

The bouquet option comes to you eco wrapped (meaning it has its own water source and is environmentally friendly) and packaged up in black kraft paper, tied off with satin ribbons to suit, giving the bouquet a luxurious look.

The vase is an optional extra. If you choose this option, the bouquet will be arranged in a tall cylinder vase for you to keep. tied off with matching satin ribbons.

 Make your selections from the drop down menus, click the check box and select ADD TO CART

Flowers by Annette Valentines Day Love in the Air

Order by 10th February. Deliveries will be on Monday 14th February. $10 per delivery.

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